1. Navigate to
Tools»Create Volume License Installer.
2. Follow these steps to
create a VLI.
3. Follow these steps to create a VLI with custom installers (more than 1 installer):
Additional Information
By default, NI software is not configured to look to a server for a license. Use NI VLM's
Create Volume License Installer option to create an installer that automatically configures the client computer to look to the server for a license. By creating this Volume License Installer, you do not have to keep track of who has installed the software because the computer must have permission in NI VLM to use the software.
Once your Volume License Installer is created, notify your end users where they can find the installer, or burn CDs with this new installer to distribute to your users. When they install using this special Volume License Installer that you created, their software will automatically point to NI VLM to check for permission to run. Please see the NI VLM help for more information.
If you are using a downloaded file of the desired software rather than a CD or DVD then for the purpose of creating the Volume License Installer you must first install it on your own computer. Then in the Volume License Installer Wizard, on the installation source page (shown below) ensure the source is the
setup.exe or
Install.exe file from the installed software.

The Volume License Installer contains its own copy of the media that you put on it, so it is okay to delete the copy of the software that is on the server after creating the installer.
Note: For creating a VLI with 2019 and newer software, you will need
NI Volume License Manager version 3.2.0 and above.