This article is part of the Queued Message Handling series. Refer to the Queued Message Handling (QMH) overview documentation or general information on the QMH architecture.
A Message Handling Loop (MHL) represents a task the Queued Message Handling (QMH) application can perform, such as acquiring or logging data, in parallel with other tasks. Each MHL can be divided into sub-tasks that correspond to states. MHLs consist of the following components:
- A message queue
- A While Loop that reads messages from the message queue
- A Case structure that contains a subdiagram, also known as a message diagram, for each possible message that can be read, where each message corresponds to a state of the task
- (Optional) Data that each message diagram of the MHL can access
This tutorial utilizes the Queued Message Handler LabVIEW template. This an advanced LabVIEW architecture and this tutorial assumes knowledge with basic programming practices. In this tutorial, you will add a message handling loop to the template.