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How to setup NI gNodeB and NI TestUE End to End system?

Updated Oct 22, 2024



  • 5G NR UE Software


Prepare WinSCP and Putty, install them on your laptop which works in windows system.

How can I setup a NI TestUE End to End system which can demonstrate the capability of NI gNodeB and NI TestUE?
To setup an NI gNodeB and NI TestUE End to End system, hardware and software are needed as below
  • NI TestUE Bundle     
  • NI gNodeB Bundle                                                
  • NI TestUE installer
Customers who are in research, design & prototyping of cellular device/5G research may show great interests in this system.

NOTE: The NI gNodeB Bundle is now obsolete and no longer being sold. If you are looking for a full end-to-end reference architecture for 5G/6G research, please look into the latest OAI USRP Reference Architecture bundle. You can also find the different pre-configured OAI bundle options and more information on the architecture from this Ettus application note

Overview of the E2E looks like this,

To setup, follow up these steps
  1. Setup NI TestUE (currently (8/13/2020) the SA code still relies on Supermicro server to run L2-L3 stack. In the future the stack will be ported to PXIe-8880 and the Supermicro server will no longer be needed.)

2. Setup NI gNB

3. Connect NI TestUE and NI gNB together with cable and 30dB attenuator on each RF port.

4. Run 5GNR UE installer
5. Running commands
  • SSH into WTS (ex.  (root:aMP#JANH) and run : #python getstatus.py  
  •  run #python WTS_2.11.02_MCS_27_256_QAM.py , wait till you get the following message  
  • Run 5G NR Test UE L1 application, set IP addresses for PXI UE and Supermicro server and select update firmware. Wait for the firmware update to complete
  • SSH into the Supermicro server root@ (pass: National123) and run UE L2 stack:
    • #cd /root/NRL2_L3
    • #./saue
  • Verify the UE is in the "Connected" state by looking at the front panel of the 5G L1 UE
  • After the 5G NR attach, you can get the following IP:

You can run the DL/UL iperf from WTS console and UE Xeon console for UL/DL data to demonstrate the system throughput. This E2E system can show you around 1Gbps throughput.

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