Download Previous Versions of NI Software

Updated Jul 22, 2024

This article contains information on how to download previous versions of NI software and legacy software that are not available on the website. This procedure also applies if you once owned NI's physical media and no longer own it. This article will also explain how to proceed when the Download button is grayed out and gets the following message:


To download and access older versions of NI software, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • Own an active subscription license for an NI software product.

  • Have a valid service agreement, which could be included as part of your Volume License Agreement (VLA).

    • If you have a Volume License Agreement (VLA) or Enterprise Agreement (EA), contact your Software Administrator for an installer or to request to be added to your organization's account.
    • If you are a student, contact your Academic Volume License (AVL) Software Administrator for an installer.  
  • You must also have a user account with your software license activated and registered to your account.

Note: If you have an active subscription software license or service agreement and need a version of NI software older than what is available on the NI website, please contact NI support

Alternatively, if you have the installer for the software you need on another computer, you can transfer the installer folder to the target computer and run the installer. You will still need to activate this software.

Refer to Download NI Software for detailed steps to download software.


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