Getting Started With NI VLM: Obtaining a License File for Server

Updated Apr 20, 2023



  • Volume License Manager

In this article, we explain how to obtain a volume license file to begin using NI Volume License Manager (VLM). The article assumes you have successfully installed VLM on the computer where you intend to run the license server.

This article is part of the Getting Started with VLM  series.


A volume license file must be obtained from NI. It is installed on your license server in order to use the Volume License Manager. To get this license file, you must contact a NI Agreements representative with the following information:

  1. License Server Computer Name
  2. License Server Computer ID or MAC Address

For VLM 3.0 and later:

See Finding Server Name and Computer ID in NI Volume License Manager .

Alternatively, use the Command Prompt with the following commands. To open the Command Prompt click Start, type cmd and press Enter. This will bring up your Command Prompt.

  • To obtain the License Server Computer Name: Type %computername% and press Enter.
  • To obtain the MAC Address: Type ipconfig/all and press Enter. Look for the heading: Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection. Under that heading you will find the MAC address listed as the physical address.

For VLM 2.1.1 and earlier:

To obtain your License Server Computer Name and Computer ID:

  1.    Open NI Volume License Manager
  2.    Select Options >> Display Computer Information

Now, send the Server Name and the Computer ID or MAC address to a NI agreements representative at to obtain your volume license file.

Next Step: Installing the License File

Additional Information:

You can only manage one volume license file in NI VLM at a time. If you need to merge multiple Volume License Agreements, email  to get a single volume license file.

You can only use the volume license file and run VLM on the computer from which the Computer ID was generated. Using the Computer ID as a key ensures that your volume license file cannot be copied and used on another server.

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