Customizing the Default TestStand LabVIEW User Interface

Updated Jun 2, 2023



  • TestStand
  • LabVIEW

How can I edit the TestStand LabVIEW UI Operator Help»About This Application tab to customize and include my company information and logo?


The text of the about box can be edited through the UIControlOperatorInterfaceStrings.ini file. This file is located in  <Program Files (x86)> \National Instruments\TestStand 20XX\Components\Language\English. 
  1. Make a copy of the .ini file before editing the file, so you have the ability to restore the original settings. When TestStand opens, it looks for a file with the specific name, so renaming the original would cause TestStand to not point to that file. 
  2. To edit this file, open it with administrative privileges in a text editor program. Under the heading of TSUI_OI_ABOUT_BOX there is a prompt to enter text information, specifically found on lines 75 through 83. 
  3. To enter a company logo/picture, open up the LabVIEW project Build Script.lvproj. This can be found in the following place: <Program Files (x86)>\National Instruments\TestStand 20XX\UserInterfaces\Full-Featured\LabVIEW\Source Code. Under TS Full LabVIEW UI Dependencies.lvlib there is a VI called About, place the company logo in this VI. 
  4. Save the project.
  5. Under Build Specifications build the TestExec.exe file, save and close the application. 
  6. Open the TestStand 20XX LabVIEW UI – Operator, the Help>> About this Application will have the updated text and picture information.