How To Use Start Trigger Function with NI-SCOPE

Updated Jun 2, 2023



  • PXI Oscilloscope



How to use the "Start trigger" function with NI-SCOPE just like in DAQmx? I tried to use "niScope Configure Trigger (poly)" but it did not work as I expected.

I want to do a continuous measurement with a NI-SCOPE card that is started by a start trigger. How do I implement this?

You are not able to specify a "Start Trigger" directly with the NI-SCOPE API. If you want to do so, you'll need to use NI-SCOPE property node instead of API. The image below show the property node that allows you to specify the start trigger source.

LabVIEW provides some NI-SCOPE examples, which you can use for quick development. Below is a modified version of the example "niSxope EX Fetch". It uses an external signal on PFI1 as a start trigger.

Note: This image is a LabVIEW snippet, which includesLabVIEW code that you can reuse in your project. To use a snippet, right-click the image, save it to your computer, and drag the file onto your LabVIEW diagram.

Additional Information

Please look at this state diagram to understand in detail what triggers are used with NI-SCOPE.