Repair Software in NI Package Manager (NIPM)

Updated Dec 27, 2023



  • Package Manager

The repair process is different depending on if you previously installed the NI software through NI Package Manager (NIPM), or by manually executing a standalone installer. This article explains how to repair NI Software using NIPM or the alternatives when the option is not available depending on the version of NIPM and/or how the software was installed.

Software installed using NI Package Manager 19.5 or later

  1. Click on the Installed tab.
  2. Select the software in question using the checkbox next to it.
  3. Click on the green Repair button at the top of the page and select all software updates available.

An example can be seen in the image below:


Software installed using NI Package Manager version 19.0 or earlier


Older versions of NI Package Manager do not have the option to repair an installation. This contrasts with the previously available repair option for NI Software within the Windows Control Panel. Due to the lack of this feature, repairing an installation requires two steps:

  1. Uninstall the software in question using the steps: Uninstall NI Software or Drivers Using Package Manager
  2. Download and install the software again from Software and Driver Downloads.

Software installed originally without NI Package Manager


Note: This method should not be used to uninstall software, only to repair, as it will not remove the software from NI Package Manager and could cause severe issues when trying to resolve dependencies.

Instructions on executing the installation repair:

  1. Open Windows Command Prompt by opening Windows' Start menu, typing cmd, then clicking Command Prompt.
  2. Run the following command to use the uninstaller executable without invoking NIPM:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\NIUninstaller\uninst.exe" /NoNIPM
  3. Select the product you want to repair (or <Ctrl-Left-Click> to select multiple products), then click Repair.
  4. Follow the multiple prompts for media in case you get them.
  5. Once you get to a prompt that is titled Windows Installer and points to a path in \Temp (example image below), click Cancel as you don't have the files necessary to proceed past this point, this action won't conflict/undo the repair of all the previous steps. Reboot afterwards if prompted.

Next Steps

If the repair process was unsuccessful then it may be necessary to Force Reinstall Non-Working or Corrupt NI Software

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