How Do I Mask a Template for Pattern Matching?

Updated Apr 12, 2023



  • Vision Assistant
  • Vision Development Module
  • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection

I know that Vision Development Module  has a feature that allows me to mask a template for pattern matching. How do I do this?

Masking a template can be very useful in situations where you want to ignore parts of your template. There are a couple of ways to mask a template. 
  • Create a template in Template Editor Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Vision»Utilities»Template Editor and select the Define Pattern Matching Mask tab.
  • Create a template in Vision Assistant or Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.6 or later using the Match Pattern step, which can be found in the Locate Features tab. After defining your template area, select Next and define the mask.

Additional Information

  • Please reference the Online Help from the Help Menu for additional configuration information.
  • You can only mask 8-bit grayscale templates.