Controlling NI Package Manager Through the Command Line

Updated May 1, 2023



  • Package Manager

  • I want to automate an NI Package Manager process. How can I do this?
  • I want to save an installation configuration and load this to install specific software.
  • I would like to create a batch file to install NI software that uses NI Package Manager? Is this possible?
  • What commands are available to control NI Package Manager?

You can use the Command Line Interface (CLI) for NI Package Manager to modify the execution of NI Package Manager processes.

  • You can use the CLI for the following purposes:
  • Silently install, update, repair, or remove NI software
  • Build and manage packages
  • View the current state of your system
  • Run the GUI in browse or command mode

Navigate to C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager from the Command Prompt to invoke the CLI using the following command:

cd C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager

Enter nipkg help to access the built-in CLI help.

nipkg help

For help on a specific command, type nipkg help <command>. For example, type nipkg help upgrade to access help for the upgrade command.

nipkg help upgrade

Enter NIPackageManager.exe /? to access built-in browse mode and command mode help.

NIPackageManager.exe /?

The CLI should be used with the following formats:

nipkg help <command>
nipkg <command> [OPTIONS] [arguments]
nipkg (install|remove) [OPTIONS] <package>...
nipkg update [OPTIONS] [feed-name]

Additional Information

Example commands:
nipkg list
Lists all the packages available
nipkg feed-create "<path to pools folder>"
Creates a new feed
nipkg feed-add URI
Adds an existing feed to the current configuration where URI is the top level path or URI where the feed exists.
nipkg feed-add --name= <your feed name> "<path to pools folder>"
Adds an existing feed with a custom name. Names with spaces must be surrounded by quotation marks.
nipkg install [OPTIONS] PACKAGES
Installs packages where PACKAGES is a list of all the packages to install. You can specify a package by name or path, and valid [OPTIONS] include:
  • --accept-eulas Confirm acceptance of license agreements.
  • -y or --yes Execute the installation without user confirmation.
  • --allow-downgrade Allow Package Manager to downgrade installed packages to fulfill the request.
  • --allow-uninstall Allow Package Manager to remove installed packages to fulfill the request.
  • --install-also-upgrades Allow Package Manager to upgrade installed packages to fulfill an install request.
  • --include-recommended Install all recommended packages in addition to the listed packages.
  • --passive Allows the installer to run without user interaction required. Reboots will occur automatically unless the --prevent reboot flag is specified.