How to Configure Proxy Settings for Systemlink & NI Package Manager

Updated Feb 3, 2021



  • SystemLink Server
  • SystemLink Client
  • Package Manager

This article walks through the example configuration of the Proxy server for NI SystemLink Server usage. Its main purpose is being able to automate pushing software packages using NI Package Manager to the NI SystemLink Servers and Clients.

Configure Proxy for network service & system:

  1. Download Sysinternals PSTools and extract the zip archive.
  2. Open an elevated command prompt (with administrator rights) and navigate into the extracted folder.
  3. Enter  psexec64 -u "nt authority\<user>" -i cmd.exe into the command prompt, where <user> needs to be replaced by "network service" or "system". This will open a new command prompt running as the corresponding user.
  4. In the new command prompt enter "whoami" to verify the user.
  5. Run internet explorer using "C:Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe
  6. Open up the settings: Internet Options > Connections LAN Settings and enter your proxy credentials
  7. Enable the checkbox "Bypass proxy server for local adresses"
  8. (Optional) In case you have to enter proxy credentials use "cmdkey /generic: <proxy-server-ip> /user:<user> /pass:<pass>" in the command prompt. 
The above steps need to be executed for the "system" and "network service" user on the Server and for the "system" user on each client.


Configure Proxy for local user on client:

  1. Run internet explorer
  2. Open up the settings: Internet Options > Connections LAN Settings and enter your proxy credentials+
  3. Enable the checkbox "Bypass proxy server for local adresses"
  4. (Optional) In case you have to enter proxy credentials use "cmdkey /generic: <proxy-server-ip> /user:<user> /pass:<pass>" in the command prompt. 
Please note that the above changes are only applied if no proxy settings are entered in the nipkg.ini files:
  • C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Settings\nipkg.ini
  • %localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.ini

After working through all the above steps, automated and manual software deployment of packages should work when using SystemLink or NI Package Manager. If you still encounter problems, please do contact the NI Support.