Check the Device Specifications of PXIe-5665

Updated Jun 2, 2023

Issue Details

I just purchased my PXIe-5665. How can I confirm the specifications of the hardware as it has multiple variations? I want to ensure NI shipped the correct hardware to me.


Some modules provided NI have the same modules number. There are a few things you can do to check the specifications especially the VSA modules.
  • Compare the part number.
    • During the purchasing, the quote, invoices,and the label on the box will include the Part Number that can be compared to our NI website.
    • Different variations of specifications will give unique Part Number.
  • Using niRFSA Property Node:
    • In LabVIEW, you can use the niRFSA Property Node to get the device specification from the populated choices. 
      1. Open LabVIEW and run any shipping example involving the niRFSA.
      2. Insert Property Node from the NI-RFSA pallet.
      3. Choose Device Characteristic and select which specifications you want to check on.