Multisim features a comprehensive suite of SPICE analyses for examining circuit behavior. These analyses range from the basic to sophisticated. Each analysis helps you to obtain valuable information such as the effects of component tolerances and sensitivities. For each analysis you need to set settings that will inform Multisim exactly what to analyze, and how.
Multisim simplifies the procedure for an advanced analysis by providing a configuration window. This abstracts away the complexities associated with SPICE syntax and configuration of an analysis. With this window you merely need to specify the parameter values and output nodes of interest.
This tutorial is part of the
National Instruments SPICE Analysis Fundamentals Series. Each tutorial in this series provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and run the different SPICE analyses available in Multisim.powerful simulation and analysis while abstracting the complexity of SPICE syntax.
Noise figure is used to specify exactly how noisy a device is. For a transistor, noise figure is simply a measure of how much noise the transistor adds to the signal during the amplification process. In a circuit network, the noise figure is used as a figure of merit to compare the noise in a network with the noise in an ideal or noiseless network. It is a measure of the degradation in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) between the input and output ports of a network.
Noise figure for a particular component (for instance, a transistor) is provided on the part datasheet. In a SPICE model, the noise figure is specified by the parameter NF. Below is an extract of a SPICE model for a transistor:
.MODEL BF517 NPN (IS=0.480F NF=1.008 BF=99.655 VAF=90.000 IKF=0.190
+ ISE=7.490F NE=1.762 NR=1.010 BR=38.400 VAR=7.000 IKR=93.200M
+ ISC=0.200F NC=1.042
Although noise figure in a model is achieved using a combination of several model parameters, the parameter NF is the most significant value (when simulating noise figure in a transistor model). When selecting a SPICE model to use for Noise Figure Analysis, you must ensure that this parameter exists. If not, the part will operate without noise parameters and therefore will generate no noise.
Multisim calculates the noise figure using the equation:
F = NO / GNS
Multisim prints the noise figure in dB, that is: 10 log10 (F).