Create a Single-Sided PCB in Ultiboard

Updated Feb 7, 2023



  • Ultiboard

This article explains how to make single-sided PCB in Ultiboard. The default in Ultiboard is to autoroute as a double-sided Printed Cicuit Board (PCB).

To create a single-sided PCB in Ultiboard, using the Autoroute feature, you have to disable all but one of the copper layers. To disable a copper layer, follow these steps:

  1. Create the board, using the Board Wizard, in the normal way.
  2. Select Options » PCB Properties.
  3. Go to the Copper Layers tab.
  4. Select the copper layer you want to disable from the drop down box in the Allow Routing section.
  5. Press the Properties button in the Allow Routing section.
  6. In the Copper Layer Properties window, un-tick Routing.

Now, when you run the Autoroute feature, it will not route on the copper layer that you have disabled.