Deploy VeriStand System Definition to Target Like Standalone

Updated Jun 2, 2023

Reported In


  • VeriStand

Issue Details

I want to deploy the NI VeriStand System Definition File to target.
  • How can I make the VeriStand deployment standalone?
  • How can I run system definition file at controller startup instead of deploying it manually from NI Veristand?


You can set it on the System Initialization option of the System Definition File. To set the target reboot action, switch to the RT Target Reboot Action page, and select the Run System Definition to set the target to run the most recently deployed system definition file like below. 

Make sure you deploy the project at least once for VeriStand to copy the system definition file to the RT target.
If you wish to connect from Editor after reboot, make sure you use Operate >> Disconnect from toolbar instead of Undeploy from the Editor.