Deploying a LabVIEW DSC Application with the DSC Run-Time System

Updated Feb 3, 2023



  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

This document describes how to deploy a LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module application using the DSC Run-Time System.
Note: This approach is supported only in LabVIEW DSC 7.1 and earlier.
You can build your LabVIEW DSC Module 7.1 or earlier applications for deployment in two ways.
  • You can create applications (.exe files) from the DSC Module VIs using the LabVIEW Application Builder. When you install the Application Builder, the Build Application option becomes available in the Tools menu. Refer to the document linked below for more information about building applications created with the DSC Module. NI recommends using the method described in that document.
  • If you do not have the Application Builder available, you can run your VI on a computer with the DSC Module Run-Time System installed. This method is more complicated than using the Application Builder. Complete the following steps to deploy an application using this method.

Deploying a DSC Module Application with the DSC Module Run-Time System

Make sure you have the DSC Module Run-Time System installed on the target computer. The DSC Module Run-Time System version must be the same as the development version. Also make sure you have installed all other required software on the target computer for features used in your application, such as FieldPoint, NI-DAQ, the Citadel database tools, and so on. Make sure the software versions installed on the target computers are the same versions that you used on the development computer.
  1. Create a new Apps LabVIEW subdirectory on both computers: LabVIEW 7.X\Apps on the development computer and LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System 7.X\Apps on the computer with the DSC Module Run-Time System.
  2. Open the top-level VI on the development computer.
  3. Select the File»Save with Options and complete the Save with Options dialog box as follows: Select To new location - single prompt - preserve hierarchy from the Selected Options pull-down menu.
  1. Click the Save button and select a directory in which to save the distribution.
  2. Close the top-level VI, but keep LabVIEW running.
  3. Open Windows Explorer and find the directory you created in step 4. Depending on the configuration, the distribution might be organized in several subdirectories. Browse to the one that corresponds to your custom VIs. That directory should also contain your top-level VI. Locate that top-level VI and copy the entire content of that directory to the LabVIEW 7.0\Apps directory on the development computer.
  4. Open the copy of the top-level VI you just created in the Apps directory on the development computer. Save it and close it. LabVIEW will prompt you to save other VIs. Select Yes to All.
  5. Copy the content you just saved in the Apps directory to the Apps directory on the computer with the DSC Module Run-Time System (LabVIEW DSC Run-Time System 7.X\Apps).
  6. Return to the directory created by the Save with Options dialog box on the development computer. Search that hierarchy and locate the vi.lib directory. Warning: This file is not the vi.lib located in the LabVIEW directory. This file is the copy located in the distribution directory created in step 4.
  7. If you see any of the following four directories, delete them: extensions, lvdsc, system, or wizard.
  8. Copy the remaining contents of the vi.lib directory to the existing vi.lib directory on the computer with the DSC Module Run-Time System. If the following dialog box appears, click the Yes to All button.
  1. You are now ready to start the DSC Module Run-Time System on the computer. Locate your top-level VI located in the Apps subdirectory, and run it.