Who Can Use the Student Install Option (SIO) For NI Academic Volume Licenses (AVLs)

Updated Nov 11, 2024

Reported In


  • Volume License Manager
  • NI License Manager

Issue Details

  • Who is eligible to use the Student Install Option (SIO) in my Academic Volume License (AVL)?
  • A member of Academic Staff or postgraduate student has requested to use NI software. Can I provide them with the Student Install Option (SIO) Serial Number?


Students and Post-Graduate Students

The SIO Serial Number may be used by anyone enrolled as a student at or taking educational classes at the Academic Institution, including post-graduate courses such as Masters and PhDs. The Serial Number is distributed and managed by the AVL's Software Administrator.
Activation steps are available in Activating NI Software as a Student Through an Academic License.

Academic Staff

Academic Staff should not use the SIO Serial Number.

If a member of Academic Staff would like access to NI software included in the AVL they have the following options:

  1. Access a license through the Volume License Server on a computer located at the physical location to which the AVL is registered (unless otherwise specified in the AVL Agreement)
  2. A laptop owned by the Academic Institute may be temporarily taken off-site and continue to use NI Software. This can be done using:
    • the 14-day backup is automatically issued when disconnecting from the Volume License Server network. This is not available for Concurrent Licenses.
    • a disconnected license file that your Software Administrator can provide. This is not available for Unmanaged Concurrent Licenses.

Contact NI Support if you do not know your Academic Institute's nominated Software Administrator. 


For Teaching and Research AVLs, individuals who are not enrolled or taking classes can use NI Software for research purposes in the same way as the Academic Staff.

This is not available for Teaching Only AVLs.


Additional Information

See NI's General Purpose Software License Agreement for more information. The most relevant section, correct at time of article publication, is:

“If you are a student and have acquired a license to use Software through your Academic Institution’s student install option, you must be a student enrolled in or taking continuing education classes in order to use the Software. You may use the Software for your personal education purposes, which may include use for classroom or lab coursework as well as academic research that is in furtherance of the your undergraduate work, and not for any other purpose.”

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