Yes. You can log data as a file (*.CSV and *.NCL) using NI-CAN BusMonitor as well as recent NI-XNET BusMonitor. Before, you decide which driver is proper, check this document( NI CAN Product Compatibility and Feature Table )
If your CAN device supported NI-CAN Driver only, You need NI-CAN driver and should use NI-CAN BusMonitor for logging. Follow the stage below.
1. Open the NI-CAN BusMonitor. Then click the Options button on the right side.
Note: This button is disabled when the Bus Monitor is running. To change the options, press the Stop button.
2. You can change attributes for data logging in the file. You should activate Stream To Disk to write the frame to a file. This button stores all received frames with a particular ID to a file.
3. After you set up attributes, Data logging will start after you press the Start button.
Additional Information
Additional attributes information are listed in the help file. You can find this directory (
Help button in
BusMonitor>>Contents>>Bus Monitor>>Stream to Disk).