Using the Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Run-Time Engine

Updated Dec 22, 2023

Reported In


  • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection

Issue Details

Can you use Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (VBAI) without LabVIEW to create an executable/run-time inspection and then run it on a deployment computer using a VBAI Run-Time License?


It is not possible to create an executable application with Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (VBAI). However, you can run your normal inspection files in VBAI with a deployment license. There is not a separate installer for the VBAI Run-Time. Rather, you would download and install the normal VBAI installer on your deployment computer and then use a Run-Time License to activate the components to run an inspection. With the Run-Time License you are unable to edit or create new inspections on that machine and can only open existing inspections in the VBAI Inspection Interface. 

If you want to write a VBAI inspection, then run that same program on another computer, you need one Full development license and one Run-Time license. You would install VBAI on both computers and use different activation codes for each.

Additional Information

Refer to Vision Builder AI Run-Time Available Features for more information about what you can and cannot do with the VBAI Run-Time license.