Importing Excel Data Into LabVIEW

Updated Aug 29, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit

Issue Details

Are there any examples on to import Excel data to LabVIEW? What functions or VIs can use to import excel data into LabVIEW?


There are two ways to import excel data using LabVIEW whether you own Report Generation Toolkit or not. It is the more convenient way to use Report Generation Toolkit.

With Report Generation Toolkit

If you use LabVIEW Professional edition, you can read the Excel data directly from LabVIEW by using the included Report Generation Toolkit. Please refer to the following page for an example on Reading Excel Data Programmatically Using the Report Generation Toolkit community post

Note: To view the list of toolkits that are installed, Open the NI MAX software. Then, pull down the My System»Software. For further information, please refer to this link. Which Versions of LabVIEW Run-Time Engine Do I Have Installed?

Without Report Generation Toolkit

If you do not have a toolkit, you can use the Read Delimited Spreadsheet VI or the Read From Measurement File express VI as both ship with LabVIEW.
In this case, it is necessary to save the Excel file as a *.csv or *.txt file. Please refer to the following document. Reading Microsoft Excel Numeric Data Into LabVIEW.

Additionally, you can leverage the Read Excel File VI from this community post to import the data without any requirements.