Error Code -44247 or -44199 Using NI-Industrial Communications for DNP3

Updated Dec 22, 2023

Issue Details

When I run my LabVIEW application using NI-Industrial Communications for DNP3 I receive error code -44247 or -44199. Why do I receive these error codes? What do these error codes mean?


If you are using an unsupported operating system (such as a Windows PC) for deployment (using a LabVIEW executable) then LabVIEW will generate Error -44247 as seen below:

You may use NI-Industrial Communications for DNP3 on non-supported platforms for prototyping and debugging, but deployment can only occur on supported hardware. The following is supported hardware for the NI-Industrial Communications for DNP3 driver: 
    • NI CompactRIO controllers with real-time OS
    • NI PXI/PXI Express controllers with real-time OS
    • NI PXI Express controllers with Windows OS
    You may see Error -44199, as seen below, indicating that the DNP3 Run-Time Engine has not been installed on your Windows PXI Express controller.

    You may download the DNP3 run-time system by following the appropriate link in the related links section of this document. However, this run-time system will only work for PXIe Windows controllers.