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SystemLink Not Connecting to License Server

Updated Apr 30, 2023

Reported In


  • SystemLink

Issue Details

I'm working on setting up my NI SystemLink Server, but when I try to access the Systems Manager in the web application, I see an error that says:

A valid SystemLink Server license is required

I purchased a license for my NI SystemLink Server, and my network licenses page shows a green dot next to it. How can I get SystemLink to recognize my license?


SystemLink requires an Unmanaged Concurrent or Computer-based license in order to run correctly and this behavior can happen if your license is set up incorrectly. 

If you are using a Computer-based license, please try restarting the SystemLink Server through the NI SystemLink Server Configurator.


Additional Information

If your license is not currently set up as Unmanaged Concurrent or Computer-based, have your Volume License Administrator reach out to

If you are the Volume License Administrator, you can open NI Volume License Manager in the licensing server, navigate to the Licenses tab and check the License Model column to confirm if your licenses have been properly set up (Unmanaged Concurrent or Computer Based).
