Error 1043 is thrown up when you try to run an executable whose code includes VIs, Functions, Invoke Nodes or Method nodes in order to dynamically control/create front panel objects, VIs, libraries and other parts of the LabVIEW environment. This error might be encountered when trying to achieve this functionality using:
- VI Scripting Nodes: These are based on the VI Server Architecture, and some of these properties and methods are not supported on the Run-Time Engine, causing the Error 1043.The list of all unsupported properties and methods is present in LabVIEW Help.
- DSC Module Functions/Nodes: These can be used in an executable when the Enhanced DSC Run Time Engine is Enabled in the build. In order to do this, open the LabVIEW Project, right click on the executable file under Build Specifications and go to Properties>>Advanced and place a checkmark in the Enable Enhanced DSC Run-Time support checkbox.