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Unicode Characters are Broken in LabVIEW Front Panel

Updated Mar 28, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

I want to develop a multi-language application that changes the language of UI in LabVIEW programmatically. To enable the Unicode function in LabVIEW, I added UseUnicode=TRUE in my LabVIEW.ini configuration file following this document. Displaying Unicode Language Characters in LabVIEW on Windows  
Then I put the text constant of Non-English Characters into Caption.Text property node like below capture. 
But some characters are not displayed well in the Front Panel like below capture. How can I fix this? 


It occurs because your string data is not displayed as a Unicode type. To ensure the data format of text constant and the properties are the Unicode. Please refer to the following orders:
  1. To change the format of a string constant, Right-click on the text constant and select Force Unicode Text. You have to check every constant including text constants used the English character.
  1. Copy your string from that string constant that you just forced to change a type to Unicode and paste to the properties that are required to change characters dynamically. For example, copy the Unicode string from constant and paste on the caption of the indicator on the Front Panel once. This process is required once for each property of controls and indicators.

Additional Information

LabVIEW for Windows has limited support for Unicode strings in the front panel controls and indicators. This is not an officially supported feature.