Additional Information
If the install order was not followed correctly, some products may be missing features such as configuration settings or example files. If you experience these behaviors, it is best to repair the install on the products that were installed first (i.e. LabVIEW, TestStand, DIAdem).
If you uninstall and reinstall LabVIEW, you will also need to reinstall the modules, toolkits, and drivers following the above installation order, otherwise some products may be missing features.
Note regarding multiple versions of LabVIEW: The LabVIEW Development Environment and all toolkits will install side-by-side with previous major versions. The Driver installer will upgrade previous versions of the driver and add support for any supported Application Development Environment (e.g. LabVIEW) installed on the computer.
Note regarding upgrading device drivers: All driver installers since 2001 use a meta installer which has the ability to check for a previously installed version of the driver. If an older driver is found, it will uninstall it before installing the latest version. If it detects that the latest driver is already installed, it will do nothing. If you are working with driver installers created before 2001, uninstall the older driver before upgrading to the newer version.
Note regarding the result of installing out of order: If a driver is installed before LabVIEW, LabVIEW will not have the API level components required to use the driver. To resolve this issue, you can upgrade to a
later version of the driver (after verifying that your existing hardware and the oldest installed version of LabVIEW are still supported by reviewing the driver README), or run a Modify install of your current driver version.