Fatal Internal Error - 0x90FFFA4E: "AppEntryPoint.cpp"

Updated Apr 25, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Operating System

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X

Issue Details

LabVIEW crashes with the following error: Fatal Internal Error 0x90FFFA4E : "AppEntryPoint.cpp".


Follow the troubleshooting steps relevant for the operating system you are using:

Windows OS



Try uninstalling LabVIEW using the Terminal window.  

Linux OS

In a Linux environment, this error may occur due to updates in software dependencies. NI driver software versions 18.0 and higher cannot be installed through your Linux distribution's package manager if there is a pre-18.0 NI driver on the system. Pre-18.0 NI drivers must be uninstalled first. After uninstalling you need to download and install the newer versions of the Linux drivers

Real-Time Target (Linux Real-Time OS)

This issue can happen when the MAX database is corrupted. The real-time target will not show up correctly under Remote Systems in MAX and you need to follow these steps to fix the issue:

1. Reboot your device.

2. Reset he MAX database by following the steps in this article: How to Fix or Reset the NI MAX Database File.

Additional Information

If the uninstalling process does not solve this problem, as a temporary workaround, try installing and running LabVIEW in a virtual machine. As another workaround, try creating a temporary new user and reinstalling LabVIEW.