Programmatically Reading a PXI Chassis Clock Source

Updated Oct 30, 2023

Reported In


  • PXIe-1082


  • PXI Platform Services 18.0
  • PXI Platform Services 18.1
  • PXI Platform Services 18.5

Issue Details

I am using a PXI or PXIe system with multiple clock sources and I am unsure which clock source the PXI_Clk10 or PXIe_Clk100 is pointing at. How do I find which clock my chassis is using for a reference clock?


This property is exposed through the NI System Configuration API in the System Config -> System Hardware -> Devices & Chassis -> Bus Specific class as "PXI Clk10 Source".
SysConfig Find Chassis Clock.png
Note: This image is a LabVIEW snippet, which includes LabVIEW code that you can reuse in your project. To use a snippet, right-click the image, save it to your computer, and drag the file onto your LabVIEW diagram.

Additional Information

You can use the "ni-pxi" system expert to query only the devices visible to the PXI Platform Services driver.

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