Error -201087 When Creating Physical Channel in DAQmx

Updated Feb 1, 2019

Reported In


  • CompactDAQ Chassis

Issue Details

I am setting up a DAQ device with a simple code and want to check the Physical Channel of a module. 

I am receiving the following message. 
Error -201087 occurred at Property Node DAQmx Channel

Possible reason(s):
Task contains physical channels on one or more devices that require you to specify the Sample Clock rate
Use the Sample Clock Timing function/VI to specify a Sample Clock rate.

The task doesn't involve any timing. Why is this required?


Using this DAQmx Channel property node with the read properties specified forces the Global Virtual Channel to go to the "Verified" state. In order to go into the Verified state, NI-DAQmx checks the timing, triggering, and channel attributes/properties for correctness. If there is a required timing, then this error would be triggered.