Error -44007 FRC: The RefNum You Are Trying to Get Does Not Exist

Updated Dec 22, 2021

Reported In


  • FRC 2019 Software

Issue Details

I am using the FIRST Robotics Competition robot framework and the Driver Station shows Error -44007. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?

ERROR  -44007  FRC:  The RefNum you are trying to Get does not exist in this RefNum Registry.



  1. Open the VI that shows up as having troubles. (For example: The RefNum you are trying to Get does not exist in this RefNum Registry.
  2. Open and make sure the references opened for your joysticks and actuators are the same as the ones in the VI that is throwing the error.
    1. Check for letters capitalization
    2. Check for spaces between words, as well as in the front and end of the constant
    3. Check for special characters that could be causing the RefNum to be different
    4. You can try copying and pasting the String constant from to the VI that is throwing the error.

Additional Information

References to the joysticks and actuators are saved using Numeric References (RefNum), which are set and accessed using string names. These names have to be the same for the RefNum to be found, otherwise error -44007 will show up.