NI software Makes My CPU Reach 100% When Waking Up My Laptop

Updated Mar 27, 2023

Reported In


  • NI Variable Engine
  • NI Time Synchronization
  • NI Domain Service
  • NI PSP Service Locator

Issue Details

After putting my computer into sleep mode and waking it up, my CPU reaches a 100%, I noticed the following National Instruments services caused this behaviour:
  • NI Variable Engine
  • NI Time Synchronization
  • NI Domain Service
  • NI PSP Service Locator

The only way to return to a normal state is to restart my computer.
How can I stop having this behavior?


This problem can be caused by a packet analyzer such as Npcap that is analyzing your network traffic.
Try uninstalling any application that captures packets travelling over your network.

Additional Information

National Instruments officially proposes to use Wireshark but other similar software can affect your CPU usage.