How to Use the AM 9898 with HART Devices

Updated Jan 9, 2023



  • AM-9898
  • CompactRIO Chassis

How can I use the AM 9898 to communicate with my HART devices?

Some of the options to communicate with HART devices are listed below. Reference the user manual for specific functions and examples that can be used with the LabVIEW driver.
  • Supports up to 4 devices in point-to-point mode
  • Supports up to 15 devices per channel in multi-drop mode
  • Read AI Current - Obtain model ID, serial number, and vendor ID while acquiring from all four current input channels.
  • HART Scan - Poll up to sixteen devices short addresses and display the connected device data.
  • RS-232 - The emulator will continually read the RS-232 port on a cRIO and echo any data through the AM-9898 module and vice versa.

Additional Information

You can find further information in Where Can I Find the LabVIEW Examples in the AM 9898 Manual?

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