Most PC applications try to access the internet by default using Internet Explorer 7, which is slightly old and does not allow all the features that newer versions allow.
Using LabVIEW Application Development Environment (ADE):
If you would like that LabVIEW uses more recent versions of Internet Explorer you can do this by adding the corresponding Internet Explorer registry key as shown below:
Open the Registry Editor, typing "Registry Editor" in Windows Search Box.
If you are using a 32 bits application on a 32 bits machine, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE> >Microsoft>> Internet Explorer>> Main>> FeatureControl>> FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION
If you are using a 32 bits application on a 64 bits machine, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> SOFTWARE> >WOW6432Node>>Microsoft>> Internet Explorer>> Main>> FeatureControl>> FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION
Add a registry key by right clicking>> New>> DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Name the key with the name of the application, in this case LabVIEW, name it LabVIEW.exe
Right click on the key>> Modify.
To use Internet Explorer 11, type 11000 for the Value data and mark Hexadecimal for the Base.
Using a stand-alone LabVIEW application (.exe files):
When you build an executable you could get the same error as in the ADE. You have to follow the same steps above, but now the key name will be the name of your .exe file.
Example: The .exe file is named as "MapsGoogle", then, the key was created in the Registry Editor with this name.
When you go back to LabVIEW and open the same website you will find that you can see all the features as shown below: