Resolving Simulation Errors with Switches in Multisim

Updated Apr 5, 2024

Reported In


  • Multisim

Issue Details

My circuit contains an interactive switch. As I toggle my switch from the on-to-off and off-to-on position, I notice that my simulation results do not behave as expected. Why is this?


The SPICE model for the interactive switch sometimes requires customization of the simulation settings for transient analysis. The most common change required for switching circuits is to change simulation integration method from Trapezoidal to Gear. To make this change: 
  1. Select Simulate» Analyses and Simulation
  1. Select the Analysis Options tab 
  2. Select the Use Custom Settings radio button
  3. Click on the Customize button
  4. In the Custom Analysis Options dialog box select the Transient tab 
  5. Check the Integration method [METHOD] checkbox
  6. In the drop-down box select the Gear integration method
  1. Click on the OK button