Using an Unsupported Thermocouple with C-Series Module in a CompactRIO

Updated Aug 3, 2023

Reported In


  • CompactRIO Controller
  • NI-9212
  • NI-9210
  • NI-9211
  • NI-9213
  • NI-9214


  • LabVIEW FPGA Module
  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Real-Time Module

Issue Details

I have a Temperature C-Series Module in my CompactRIO. I have seen that when I use my cRIO in Scan Interface Mode and right click my module in the LabVIEW project and go to the Module properties the thermocouple types that can be selected do not include the thermocouple I have. 

For example I have a NI 9212 and a C type thermocouple, but as shown in the image below, I cannot select this type of thermocouple. 

How can I acquire temperature data with my module and thermocouple then?


You can use the FPGA Interface Mode instead. You can find in the Example Finder for the Getting Started LabVIEW project for your respective module (for example for the 9212 the project will be named Getting Started 9212.lvproj). 

This project will have an FPGA VI where the voltages acquisition is done. In the RT VI these voltages are converted to temperature according to the thermocouple type.

Since you have a thermocouple type that the module does not support, you should modify the code that converts the voltages to temperatures according to your thermocouple type, this code is shown for the 9212 in the image below.   


Additional Information

The Example LabVIEW Projects from the Example Finder come with a target, if the CompactRIO target that you have is different from this one you should move the VIs into your target