Error 1003 When Adding Multiple Custom Workspace Objects To a Veristand Project

Updated May 20, 2024

Reported In


  • VeriStand
  • LabVIEW



Issue Details

I developed two different Custom Workspace Objects (CWO A and CWO B) following these steps.
After adding a first Custom Workspace Object to the .nivsscreen file of a Veristand Project, if I try to add the other Custom Workspace Object (e.g.: CWO A after CWO B or CWO B after CWO A) the following error is shown:



There may be a problem of dependencies at LabVIEW level: check if in the .lvproj of the two Custom Workspace Objects there are items with the same name and change the naming. After this edit, compile again the Custom Workspace Object source distributions.

A suggestion to avoid this problem when developing multiple Custom Workspace Objects is adopting a proper naming convention, by giving a common name space for items of the same project, such as:
  • CWO_A_Data_Cluster.ctl for a .ctl defining a Data Cluster for the Custom Workspace Object CWO_A
  • CWO_B_Data_Cluster.ctl for a .ctl defining a Data Cluster for the Custom Workspace Object CWO_B