Error The Model Contains Top-Level .subckt Statements in Multisim

Updated Apr 7, 2023

Reported In


  • Multisim

Issue Details

While attempting to to create a simulation model in Multisim using Component Wizard I get this error on Step 5:

​The model contains multiple top-level .subckt statements.
Place any dependent .subckt or .model definitions withing the main (top-level) .subckt


How can I solve this issue?


We recommend that the model be placed into the netlist hierarchically, meaning that all child subcircuits are within the parent. For example: 

.subckt parent 1 2 3 
  x1 1 2 3 child 
  .subckt child 1 2 3 

If the subcircuits are not entered hierarchically, there is the potential for conflicts in the netlist, which would result in netlist errors.

Additional Information

A SPICE subcircuit (.subckt) wraps around a block of circuit text and allows external connections to this circuitry only through the subcircuit's nodes. 

Because the internal circuitry is isolated from external circuitry, internal devices and node names with the same names as those external to the subcircuit are neither conflicting nor shorted. In addition, subcircuits can accept circuit parameters which can be used to assign values to internal devices or nested subcircuits.