Archived:Web Server Compiler Not Found When Creating New NXG Web Module Project

Updated Oct 20, 2022

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Reported In


  • LabVIEW NXG Web Module

Issue Details

  • I receive the following error when I attempt to create a new Web Module project in Labview NXG : 
"Your System is missing the following:
Web Module: Web Server Compiler
Visit and enter the Info code "NXG_Load_Failure" for more information"
  • When I create any other project in LabVIEW NXG, there is no error. The issue seems to be specific to the Web Module. I have already successfully reinstalled both LabVIEW NXG and Web Module but still receive the error.


To avoid this issue make sure that LabVIEW NXG and Web Module are activated. If those tools are not activated, you will get this error each time you try to create a new Web Module project.

 Steps on how to activate National Instruments software are detailed in the article: Activating National Instruments Software Products