From time to time you may come across the need of a particular component or footprint (lanbdpattern) that is not included in the master databases. There are multiple places to begin your search, both 3rd party and from NI that are free and readily accessible:
- One of the long-standing free resources is the Kittmaster's Component Database which is maintained by Kittmaster (Chris) one of our proven active veterans of this board as well as a Beta Tester of the Circuit Design Suite. You will find a vast collection of already built parts in Multisim and Ultiboard formats that have been submitted by users like you that have registered on kittmaster's database and that actively upload custom component creations. I encourage you to register and share.
- NI created the Circuit Design Community in response to requests from users around the world. The Circuit Design Community aims to provide an open resource for designers that need or would like to share Multisim components, Ultiboard footprints, sample design files and other documents that are of use for the design community. The basic difference between the Circuit Design Community and this Circuit Design Discussion Forum is that the Community is tailored for document and file sharing, whereas the Forum is designed with problem solving, tip sharing and general support questions in mind. Again, I encourage you not only to search, but also to share any components you may have created that are useful for other designers.
- Most manufacturers that offer SPICE or PSPICE models in their websites would typically allow you to download them free of charge, in most cases accepting a license agreement. The first step is to identify who the manufacture of the part you are looking for is, as well as cross-reference manufacturers. Then search in their corresponding websites for the product folder or design resources section. If you find SPICE or PSPICE models you can easily import those when creating a new component, remember that Multisim is highly compatible with PSPICE models, and every new release adds more compatibility. If you cannot find the model, it does not hurts to call or email the manufacture and ask directly if they have such models, in many cases they are not advertised in the web.
- Last, but not least, use your favourite internet search engine and see if anyone out there has posted or worked on a similar model.