Can I Use C#, VB.NET, or Measurement Studio to Program my CompactRIO?

Updated Jun 1, 2023

Reported In


  • Measurement Studio


  • NI CompactRIO

Operating System

  • Windows


Microsoft Visual Studio

Issue Details

Can I acquire data from a CompactRIO (cRIO) with C#, VB.NET, or Measurement Studio?


There isn't a way to directly program a cRIO with C#, VB.NET or Measurement Studio.

If you would like your UI to be created with Measurement Studio, you can use network published shared variables to communicate between your Measurement Studio application and a LabVIEW application. You would have to configure Network Variables in Measurement Studio.

C# and VB.NET Measurement Studio examples that use Network Variables can be found in C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\<MStudioVSXXXX>\DotNET\Examples\NetworkVariable\Basic

Additional Information

You can use LabVIEW or C/C++ to program your cRIO.

If you want to program your cRIO using C/C++, NI provides extensive documentation based on GNU C & C++ Compile Tools as well as Visual Studio Code. You can use this documentation to create your own toolchain, too. For more information, visit Getting Started with C/C++ Development for NI Linux Real-Time.