LabVIEW Web Services with Terminal Inputs and Outputs Do Not Support UTF-8 Strings

Updated Nov 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW

Issue Details

LabVIEW Web Services utilizing controls for input and indicators for output do not support UTF-8 string encoding even when the Content-Type is text/plain; charset=utf-8.  My Web service has a requirement for Unicode characters requiring multibyte encoding in UTF-8.  How can I work around this problem and use UTF-8 strings?


Web method VIs configured to use the Terminal output type will convert all string data into ASCII format. 
  • To output UTF-8 strings you must configured the Web method VI to use Stream output type and the Write Response VI.  Similarly, all string input to a Web method through a LabVIEW control will be converted to ASCII. 
  • UTF-8 strings must be sent to the Web method within POST data. This requires the use of the Read Post Data VI within your Web method VI.