How Does the Default Button in the TestStand Message Popup Button Options Work?

Updated Jan 26, 2023

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  • TestStand

Issue Details

I would like to know how Default Button in the Message Popup step Button Options works. What is the difference between Default Button and Active Control?


The Default Button assignment on a Message Popup in TestStand is the button which will be recorded as pressed by the step type if you press Enter to exit the dialog without selecting any other button. The Active Control assignment allows you to set the currently active control of the Message Popup when it is displayed on the screen at run-time.

If you have a button set as the Active Control and you press the Enter key when your dialog appears, the user event that is generated and the button pressed value will be associated with the Active Control.

To return Default Button behavior, set Active Control to Response String. Since none of the buttons will be set as active, when you press Enter the dialog will close with the Default Button value stored in Step.Result.ButtonHit.

Note: You must have Enable Response Text Box checked in the Message Popup Options tab to be able to set the Active Control Button Option to Response String.

If you have Enable Response Text Box disabled, simply assign Default Button and Active Control to the same button. Pressing Enter will store the Default Button Value in Step.Result.ButtonHit.

Additional Information

You must have Enable Response Text Box checked in the Message Popup Options tab to be able to set the Active Control Button Option to Response String.

If you have Enable Response Text Box disabled, simply assign Default Button and Active Control to the same button. Pressing Enter will store the Default Button Value in Step.Result.ButtonHit.