Interfacing RMX-410x Using LAN

Updated May 6, 2024



  • RMX-4101
  • RMX-4102
  • RMX-4104

How to interface RMX-410x Power Supplies using LAN?

To interface RMX-410x Power Supplies via LAN follow the next steps:


  1. Connect the instrument via LAN.
  2. Configure the device to use LAN. RMX-410x User Manual , in section 4.6  "Navigating Communication Menu" explains how to navigate through the communication menu, use this menu to configure your device.  Chapter 7 explains set up and commands for serial interfaces, it does not explicitly explains LAN configuration but you can navigate through the communication menu and configure the LAN parameters such IP Address, MAC Address, language (SCPI compatible) … Section 7.10 explains the SCPI protocol and common commands.
  3. NI RMX-410x Power Supplies driver has functions and examples to program the device.

Additional Information

For more information on how to interface the RMX-410x via LAN, please refer to the LAN Interface User Manual for RMX-410x Power Supplies.