How Do I Disable the Right-Click for a Graph in LabVIEW?

Updated Oct 27, 2023



  • LabVIEW

I do not want my end-user to be able to right click graphs or charts and change the format; when he/she runs the VI, I want to be able to decide how the graphs (or other front panel objects) are formatted.

While it is not possible to programmatically disable formatting of front panel objects, there are options to freeze the front panel and disable the run-time shortcut menus. The easiest method is to right-click an individual control and select Advanced»Run-Time Shortcut Menu»Disable.

2.  You can also disable all shortcut menus from the VI Properties menu:
  • Select File»VI Properties... from the pull-down menu.
  • Select Window Appearance from the Category drop-down list of the VI Properties dialog box
  • Click the Customize... button
  • Uncheck the Allow default run-time shortcut menus
  • Click OK
Now, during run-time users will not be able to right-click to access the shortcut menus

Another way of choosing the end-user's runtime setup is freezing the front panel and hiding the block diagram from users to protect the VI:
  • Select File»VI Properties... from the pull-down menu.
  • Select Protection from the Category drop-down list of the VI Properties dialog box
  • Click the Password-protected radio button
  • Enter your password in the passwords field and click ok
Once your VI is reloaded into memory (close all LabVIEW windows and reopen the VI) the front panel objects with be frozen and the block diagram inaccessible without the password.

Note: The ability to disable run-time menus from the VI Properties window in not available in versions of LabVIEW prior to LabVIEW 6.1.