Error -200014 at DAQmx Create Channel

Updated Apr 20, 2023

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)


  • NI-DAQmx

Issue Details

Why do I receive Error -200014 at the DAQmx Create Channel VI?

Error -200279 occurred at Untitled 2
Possible reason(s):
Terminal cannot appear multiple times within a single digital input or output task. 

In the below image, if MyVoltageTask references the same physical lines as the physical lines input, Error -200014 will arise.






There are two solutions of these problems.
  • Remove the task in input
  • Leave the DAQmx Create Channel VI out of your program and wire your DAQmx Task directly into the next DAQmx function.

Additional Information

This error can arise when you wire a task in and a physical lines input into DAQmx Create Channel at the same time. If the DAQmx Task configured in NI MAX references the same physical lines as the physical lines input, the error will pop up to point out that one set of physical lines is being referenced by two separate tasks at the same time.