Error -1074118608 Opening Multiple Device Session with NI USRP-2901

Updated Jul 31, 2023

Reported In


  • USRP-2901
  • USRP-2900
  • CDA-2990


  • LabVIEW 2017 Full


  • NI-USRP 17.0

Issue Details

I am using 4x NI USRP-2901 in MIMO configuration along with NI Octoclock CDA-2990. In available MIMO examples  (e.g. 8x8 test bed example), we need to provide the IP address separated by semicolons as these codes were made for NI USRP-292x devices that connect with the Host PC via ethernet.  But when I try to do a similar thing with NI 2901, I receive the error message below: 

Error -1074118608 occurred at niUSRP Open Rx

Possible reason(s):
The specified device name is not recognized. If using an NI 290x, ensure that only a single device is specified.


Multiple device sessions are not supported with NI USRP-290x devices. A separate session needs to be opened for each NI USRP-2901 device. The image below can help: