Error -2147220721 (Hex 0x8004030F) When Using NI Hardware

Updated May 9, 2024

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

Issue Details

  • I have a LabVIEW application that uses shared variables. When I try to deploy the executable, I receive the following error: 
Variables deployment failed (error: -2147220721, MAX: (Hex 0x8004030F) The configuration database cannot be opened, possibly due to corruption. Please note the steps you performed that led to this error and contact technical support at 
  • When I run my application, I get the following error:
MAX: (Hex 0x8004030F) The configuration database cannot be opened, possibly due to corruption. Please note the steps you performed that led to this error and contact technical support at


This error usually occurs because of an issue with the MAX configuration Database. Try the following steps to resolve this error.  If you are unable to open NI MAX to reset the database, you can try the following: 

Additional Information

If the recommended steps do not help, you can also try to format and reinstall the cRIO. You can find the steps to do so in the Restore NI Phar Lap and VxWorks RT Target to Factory Default Configuration article.