Multisim Simulation Error: Time Step Too Small

Updated Feb 28, 2024

Reported In


  • Multisim

Issue Details

While using Multisim, I received the following error:

Time Step Too Small Error  


The Time Step Too Small Error in Multisim is a very generic error that can represent a number of different simulation issues.

In smaller circuits, this error is generally due to a mistake in wiring or connecting components, so this possibility should be checked first. 

If the wiring has been validated in the circuit follow these steps:
  1. Select Simulation » Interactive Simulation Settings
  2. Under Initial conditions select Set to zero
  3. Click the OK button
Check to see if the simulation now works. If not:
  1. Select Simulation » Interactive Simulation Settings
  2. Check Set maximum time step (TMAX)
  3. Select Maximum Time Step (TMAX) and change it from 1e-005 to 1e-003
  4. Click the OK button
Check to see if the simulation now works. If not:
  1. Select Simulation » Interactive Simulation Settings
  2. Select the Analysis Options tab
  3. Select the Use Custom Setting radio button and click on the Customize button
  4. Select the Global tab
  5. Check the Relative Error Tolerance [RELTOL] to ON and set it to 0.01
  6. Set Shunt resistance from analog nodes to ground [RSHUNT] to 1e+9
  7. Select the Transient tab
  8. Check Integration Method [METHOD] to ON and set it to Gear
  9. Click the OK button

Additional Information

In Multisim 10 and higher, the Convergence Assistant ​conveniently attempts to fix this error for you.

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