Archived:LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Error 5005: Unable to Find Arduino

Updated Jun 21, 2023

NI does not actively maintain this document.

This content provides support for older products and technology, so you may notice outdated links or obsolete information about operating systems or other relevant products.

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • Third Party Add-Ons


  • Arduino
  • LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA)

Issue Details

I have a VI that uses the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino toolkit that generates the following error when I run my application:

Error 5005 occurred at Unable to find Arduino. Please make sure the Arduino is connected to your system and that the Arduino drivers are installed.


Note: LIFA has been replaced with LINX. It is highly recommended to move to LINX as there will be no further development for LIFA. See How To Download Digilent LINX For LabVIEW? for more information.

The following instructions are archived. Last testing was done using Arduino 1.0.5. software.

Error 5005 indicates that the is configured for automatic Arduino detection (no VISA resource is wired into the VI) but it was unable to find an Arduino connected to your computer. To resolve this error, try the following:

  1. Take the out of auto-detection mode by wiring up the Arduino VISA resource and baud rate. Right-click on the top left terminal of the in and select Create » Constant. This will create a VISA constant. Select the COM port your Arduino is connected to from the drop down menu. The correct COM port to use will be shown in the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) when you flash the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) firmware to the Arduino board.  Right-click on the terminal underneath the VISA resource and select Create » Constant again. In this box set the baud rate for your Arduino. The default for most cases will be 115200.
  1. Make sure you have the latest version of NI VISA installed on your computer. You can check this by opening NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX). Search NI MAX on your computer and run the executable. Expand the software section and verify that NI VISA is listed there. If it is not listed, download NI-VISA .
  1. Check to see if your Arduino shows up under Windows Device Manager. Search Device Manager on your computer and run the executable. Expand the USB section and see if your Arduino is listed. If it is not, you may need to install the drivers for your Arduino. See the External Link: Getting started w/ Arduino on Windows for steps to do this.

  1. Ensure that all cables are securely attached if using a wired connection or that you have adequate signal strength if using a wireless connection. The USB ports in the back of a desktop computer generally have more stable power supply. You may want to use those ports if on a desktop computer.
  2. Flash the LIFA firmware to the Arduino board as described in How Do I Load the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Firmware Onto My Arduino Uno
  3. Every program that uses the LIFA Toolkit should begin with the init command end with the close commands. Ensure that you avoid use of the abort button as much as possible. When you abort a task, your code will not have a chance to run the close VI, and the next time you run your code, the Arduino will start up in an unknown state. You may need to restart the board and re-load the LIFA firmware to correct this.
  4. Make sure that no other programs are open that are also attempting to communicate with the Arduino. If you have the Arduino IDE open, for example, the resource may already be reserved when LabVIEW tries to access the COM port.

Additional Information

Note: The package LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) has been replaced with LINX. It is highly recommended to migrate to LINX as there will be no further development for LIFA. See How To Download Digilent LINX For LabVIEW? for more information.

LabVIEW Interface for Arduino (LIFA) is a third-party Add-On for LabVIEW. National Instruments gives support for it through the Discussion Forum. This forum is constantly monitored by Arduino/LabVIEW users. You can also find documents, examples, and share knowledge there.