You need to configure the build's target settings to include symbols/exports to eliminate this warning message and for an import library to be created. Complete the following steps to configure the target settings:
- Ensure you have selected the menu Build»Target Type»Dynamic Link Library for creating a DLL.
- Select Build»Target Settings to open the Target Settings dialog box.
- Click the Change button under Exports to open the DLL Export Options dialog box.
4.Place check-marks beside the header files from which you want to include symbols.
5.Click OK to close the DLL export Options dialog.
6.Click OK to close the Target Settings dialog window.
7.In CVI 2013, select Build»Build.
In CVI 2012 and previous, select Build»Create [Debuggable] Dynamic Link Library.
8.Confirm through the subsequent LabWindows/CVI Message dialog that your .dll, .cdb, and .lib files were created.