Failed to Load Shared Library Error When Deploying VI Using LabVIEW DSC

Updated Aug 20, 2019

Reported In


  • LabVIEW
  • LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module

Issue Details

I have successfully developed a real-time application using functions from the LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module, and it runs successfully in the development system. However, when I try to deploy the application to my real-time device I receive an error similar to the following:

LabVIEW: Failed to load shared library NVIORef.dll: EVT_EnableValueChangeNotifications:C on RT target device 

LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x436) Failed to load shared library NVIORef.dll: TR_SetProp:C.  Esnure that the library is present on the RT target.  Use either MAX to install NI software or FTP to transfer customer libraries to the RT target.

LabVIEW: Failed to load shared library dscProc.dll:ni_lvdsc_process_GetProcessListEnd:C. Ensure that the library is present on the RT Target. 

Why is this occurring and how do I fix the problem?


LabVIEW DSC VIs are not supported for non-Windows targets. As a result, when you deploy the VI, LabVIEW cannot find the DSC module DLLs on the real-time target and throws an error. To resolve this, remove all VIs that are from the DSC palette from your Real-Time LabVIEW application and redeploy the VI.

You will also run into this error on Windows targets when the DSC Run-Time System is not installed when running a LabVIEW-built EXE that contains DSC components and the Windows target does not have the LabVIEW DSC development module installed either. Make sure the DSC Run-Time System is installed on your computer so that LabVIEW Runtime engine can recognize the DSC VIs.